Hope … a fundamental deceit … ?

​James Hillman in his book on ‘Suicide and the Soul’ (1997) says ‘Hoping is not hoping for what one hopes for; one hopes not for that which is already known.  Such hope is hope for the wrong thing.  It is illusion.  He quotes...

Lao Tzu: The Best

The best, like water, Benefit all and do not compete. They dwell in lowly spots that everyone else scorns. Putting others before themselves, They find themselves in the foremost place And come very near to the Tao. In their dwelling, they...

Tao Te Ching

“The Tao is the breath that never dies. It is a Mother to all Creation.It is the root and ground of every soul – the fountain of Heaven and Earth laid open.Endless source, endless riverRiver of no shape, river of no waterDrifting invisibly from...