A child’s view of the world …

There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparelled in celestial light,The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it hath been of yore;Turn wheresoe’er I may, By...

This is the creature …

This is the creature there has never been.They never knew it, and yet, none the less,they loved the way it moved, its suppleness,its neck, its gaze, mild and serene. Not there, because they loved it, it behaved as though it were.  They always left some...

The Mother of all Creation

​The Tao … is the breath that never diesIt is the Mother of All Creation.It is the root and ground of every soulthe fountain of Heaven and Earth, laid open.Endless source, endless riverRiver of no shape, river of no waterDrifting invisibly from place to...

Keeping Still, Mountain

True quiet means keeping still when the time has come to keep still and going forward when the time has come to go forward.  In this way rest and movement are in agreement with the demands of the time, and thus there is light in life.Mountains standing close...

Life … began without words

Life, all life … began without words.Life is made … and no one owns it. The Tao is neither selfish nor proud. The Tao is generous and graceful in what it does … Without claiming any meritAnd the sage’s greatness lies in taking no...